Each year, there are multiple education and prevention initiatives that take place for the campus community. The list of current and planned initiatives includes, but is not limited to:
- Required “Not Anymore!” online sexual assault prevention program for incoming first year undergraduate and graduate students;
- Required “The Way You Move” orientation performance and debrief for incoming first year undergraduates;
- Required “Clarifying Consent” online healthy relationship training for juniors;
- Required “Fostering Inclusion” workshop for incoming first year graduate students;
- Required “Preventing Sexual Harassment” online program for faculty, staff members, and 2nd year graduate students;
- Required Strength in Coaching on Relationships, Respect, and Equality (SCORRE) for varsity athletes;
- Required annual training for student leaders, including residential college advisers (RCAs), SHARE peers, eating club officers, Orientation leaders, ROTC cadets, resident graduate students (RGSs)
- UMatter initiative’s Respect Matters programming, website, and social media applications promoting prosocial bystander intervention skills and healthy choices;
- Men’s Allied Voices for a Respectful and Inclusive Community (MAVRIC) discussion group, programming, and blog for campus community members;
- SHARE Peer programs in eating clubs, in residential colleges, and with high-risk groups;
- Ongoing training options for various departments and groups on topics including consent, responding to rejection, mindful allyship, sexual misconduct policies and procedures, boundaries, and bystander intervention, unconscious bias,
- Permanent posting of confidential resources and reporting options in every campus restroom;
- Annual Title IX resource letter to students, faculty and staff;
- Talking to Your Student About Making Good Decisions letter to parents of incoming students, providing education and resource information related to sexual misconduct, high risk drinking and academic integrity;
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month programming;
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming;
- Pilot departmental climate and inclusion committees, designed to foster inclusion for all members of the department;
- Ongoing awareness raising and education through social media, listservs and websites;
- Partnerships with Younity; the Mercer County Sexual Assault Response Team; and relevant municipal police departments.