Prevention Efforts

Each year, there are multiple education and prevention initiatives that take place for the campus community. The list of current and planned initiatives includes, but is not limited to:

  • Required “Not Anymore!” online sexual assault prevention program for incoming first year undergraduate and graduate students;
  • Required “The Way You Move” orientation performance and debrief for incoming first year undergraduates;
  • Required “Clarifying Consent” online healthy relationship training for juniors;
  • Required “Fostering Inclusion” workshop for incoming first year graduate students;
  • Required “Preventing Sexual Harassment” online program for faculty, staff members, and 2nd year graduate students;
  • Required Strength in Coaching on Relationships, Respect, and Equality (SCORRE) for varsity athletes;
  • Required annual training for student leaders, including residential college advisers (RCAs), SHARE peers, eating club officers, Orientation leaders, ROTC cadets, resident graduate students (RGSs)
  • UMatter initiative’s Respect Matters programming, website, and social media applications promoting prosocial bystander intervention skills and healthy choices;
  • Men’s Allied Voices for a Respectful and Inclusive Community (MAVRIC) discussion group, programming, and blog for campus community members;
  • SHARE Peer programs in eating clubs, in residential colleges, and with high-risk groups;
  • Ongoing training options for various departments and groups on topics including consent, responding to rejection, mindful allyship, sexual misconduct policies and procedures, boundaries, and bystander intervention, unconscious bias,
  • Permanent posting of confidential resources and reporting options in every campus restroom;
  • Annual Title IX resource letter to students, faculty and staff;
  • Talking to Your Student About Making Good Decisions letter to parents of incoming students, providing education and resource information related to sexual misconduct, high risk drinking and academic integrity;
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month programming;
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming;
  • Pilot departmental climate and inclusion committees, designed to foster inclusion for all members of the department;
  • Ongoing awareness raising and education through social media, listservs and websites;
  • Partnerships with Younity; the Mercer County Sexual Assault Response Team; and relevant municipal police departments.