Campus & Community Support Resources

The following resources are available to provide support and help you to determine what steps to take next. If you choose to make a complaint, there are many reporting options.

Confidential Resources

Confidential Resources are not obligated to report information that is provided to them.  This allows individuals to explore their options in a non-pressured environment while they make informed decisions.  There may be exceptions in cases involving child abuse, imminent risk of serious harm, emergent hospitalization, or a court order.

In addition, non-identifying information about violations of the Title IX Sexual Harassment policy and the University Sexual Misconduct policy may be submitted to the Department of Public Safety for purposes of the anonymous statistical reporting under the Clery Act. 

For more information about confidentiality, see Appendix A of the Title IX Sexual Harassment policy or Appendix A of the University Sexual Misconduct policy.

Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources and Education (SHARE)

(Campus, confidential, specialized counseling, advocacy, and supportive resources for all students)
The University's SHARE office is a confidential resource offering support and advocacy services. Individuals are encouraged to access support services and learn about their options by contacting SHARE. The SHARE office can provide information about the roles and reporting obligations of other offices at the University in order to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their options.

McCosh Health Center, Washington Road
[email protected]

Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS)

(Campus, confidential, for all students)
McCosh Health Center

Medical Services at University Health Services (UHS)

(Campus, confidential, for all students)
McCosh Health Center

Ombuds Office

(Campus, confidential, for all students, faculty, and staff)
179 Nassau St., Suite D
[email protected]

Carebridge — Faculty & Staff Assistance Program

(Campus, confidential, for all graduate students, faculty, and staff)
On your initial visit to the site, please enter the Princeton client code TW8AE to access the Carebridge Library.
[email protected]

Office of Religious Life Chaplains

(Campus, confidential, for all students, faculty, and staff)
 Murray-Dodge Hall
[email protected]


(Off-campus, confidential, for all considering filing a complaint/report)
Younity is a community-based organization for individuals of all genders that specializes in emergency response and treatment of victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence. They provide a 24-hour, confidential hotline which is staffed by trained advocates who are well-versed in responding to situations of sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. Volunteer advocates and professional personnel from Younity can assist victims and survivors throughout the SART process and provide insight into various processes involving police and the county court system. Additionally, Younity has a shelter for victims and survivors of domestic violence and provides specialized, individual and group counseling for a sliding scale fee.

This resource is confidential, meaning information given to them will not be reported. There are some exceptions when there is risk of imminent harm.

1530 Brunswick Avenue, Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648
609-394-9000 (24-hour hotline) /609-394-0136 (office)

Non-Confidential Resources

Princeton University Department of Public Safety

(Campus, NOT confidential)
Address: 200 Elm Drive, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Phone: 609-258-1000 (available 24 hours)

Municipal Police

(Off-campus, NOT confidential)
The Princeton Police Department has jurisdiction over cases of dating and domestic violence and sexual assault. They are responsible for responding to the scene and managing criminal cases that occur on campus and in the Princeton area. The Princeton University Department of Public Safety can assist with contacting the appropriate authority when incidents occur on-campus, regionally, or out of state.

This resource is NOT confidential, meaning it is required by law to report these incidents/violations and take legal, disciplinary or other action accordingly.

Phone: 609-921-2100 (available 24 hours)

Mercer County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

(Off-campus, NOT confidential)
SART assists with evidence collection and preventative medicine. The team provides access to a team of professionals, including a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE), Younity advocate, and, if desired, law enforcement.

This resource is NOT confidential, meaning it is required by law to report these incidents and violations and to take legal, disciplinary or other action accordingly.

SART can be activated by contacting:

  • Younity: 609-394-9000
  • Princeton Police Department: 609-921-2100 (calls will likely result in police involvement)
  • Department of Public Safety: 609-258-1000 (calls will likely result in police involvement)

or going to an emergency room:

  • Princeton Medical Center
  • Capital Health Medical Center in Hopewell
  • Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital